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New Mass Settings
Coming Soon


In August, we will begin to use a new musical setting of the Glory To God (from a New Mass for Congregations) and Mass Parts – Holy, Acclamation, Amen, Lamb of God – (from the Community Mass).


The current Glory To God, we have been using since the Revised Roman Missal in 2010, the Mass of Wisdom is from that time as well. We had planned to introduce a new setting in 2020, however Covid intervened, and we delayed it until now as things are back to normal.


Rather than taking lots of time before Masses teaching this new setting, we are making available videos online where you can view and listen to the new musical setting. We also will be making the text and music accessible. We are asking everyone to please go to the following links and listen to the new setting and view the music, in order that you can be familiar, when we begin to use them in August.


Simply click on the links below.

Glory to God

Holy Acclamation, Amen, Lamb of God

Parish Mission Statement

We, the Roman Catholic Community of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who acknowledge God's presence in our lives and God's call to grow in Jesus Christ, commit ourselves to strengthen, promote and extend a community of Justice, Faith, Love and Peace.  We live this mission by being a Eucharist-centered community of diverse groups and individuals proclaiming the Good News.  We are challenged by this Good News to be faithful stewards who minister to one another's needs and to our world.


© Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

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Photos of Church c/o Tara Miller

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